As a man, you have one primary erogenous zone that renders the fondling of all other bodily areas merely the tedious warm up before the international superstar takes the stage. But for women, erogenous zones are more like classical orchestra – each individual has a part to play and each section is equally valuable.
Only few men knows that women love long foreplay…because some men like to be in climax too soon, their ladies ended up in faking the big “O”. Thus, in the end, more often than not…many ladies left unsatisfied after the big performance.
Hey, you don’t like your lady always be unhappy every time you share your intimate feelings with each other, do you? So, here are the erogenous zones you must take to lead both of you to the pleasure island of desire:
Play with her hair loosely & gently and pay attention to the area behind her ears and hairline. Scalp is covered with nerves making it a sensory hotbed – while gently playing with her hair will also make you appear sensitive….(turn-on rating: 7/10)
The face has great erogenous potential, just beware of slobbering it all over. Trail your fingertips lightly across her skin in circular motions, smoothing eyebrow, kiss her eyelids and press feathery kisses along her cheeks but don’t lick her face….(turn-on rating 5/10)
It’s no coincidence we use our lips to express ourselves intimately through kissing-they’re fantastically responsive. Approach her lips slowly and kiss her close by the corners until she’s obviously turned on. Then kiss her gently with your lips only slightly parted before darting your tongue in. Don’t use your teeth there’s no erotic about a painful bite…(turn-on rating 8/10)
Never ignore ears-these sensitive petals can bring certain women close to orgasmic stimulation. Nibble and suck the lobes softly and gently & run your tongue lightly to curve then whisper sweet nothings. Never stick your tongue in it or you’ll drive your lady to shift gear and be in irritated mood…(turn-on rating 6/10)
Many women are instantly turned on by having their necks caressed, so don’t neglect it. Begin by kissing the sides just below her ears-and here is where a very gentle bite may be welcomed, but don’t overdo it. Don’t go near the windpipe or you’ll end up choking her…(turn-on rating 8/10)
Only few men knows that women love long foreplay…because some men like to be in climax too soon, their ladies ended up in faking the big “O”. Thus, in the end, more often than not…many ladies left unsatisfied after the big performance.
Hey, you don’t like your lady always be unhappy every time you share your intimate feelings with each other, do you? So, here are the erogenous zones you must take to lead both of you to the pleasure island of desire:

Play with her hair loosely & gently and pay attention to the area behind her ears and hairline. Scalp is covered with nerves making it a sensory hotbed – while gently playing with her hair will also make you appear sensitive….(turn-on rating: 7/10)
The face has great erogenous potential, just beware of slobbering it all over. Trail your fingertips lightly across her skin in circular motions, smoothing eyebrow, kiss her eyelids and press feathery kisses along her cheeks but don’t lick her face….(turn-on rating 5/10)
It’s no coincidence we use our lips to express ourselves intimately through kissing-they’re fantastically responsive. Approach her lips slowly and kiss her close by the corners until she’s obviously turned on. Then kiss her gently with your lips only slightly parted before darting your tongue in. Don’t use your teeth there’s no erotic about a painful bite…(turn-on rating 8/10)
Never ignore ears-these sensitive petals can bring certain women close to orgasmic stimulation. Nibble and suck the lobes softly and gently & run your tongue lightly to curve then whisper sweet nothings. Never stick your tongue in it or you’ll drive your lady to shift gear and be in irritated mood…(turn-on rating 6/10)
Many women are instantly turned on by having their necks caressed, so don’t neglect it. Begin by kissing the sides just below her ears-and here is where a very gentle bite may be welcomed, but don’t overdo it. Don’t go near the windpipe or you’ll end up choking her…(turn-on rating 8/10)
(source: FHM Magazine)
1 comment:
I read a article under the same title some time ago, but this articles quality is much, much better. How you do this?
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