“I Love You!” Can there be any sweeter than that? Eight letters, three words, yet so powerful. The statement may sound simple or corny but people yearn to hear them. And to some, they have hard time in uttering these words. People seek affection and adulation, and with these three words, it confirms such feelings. With this statement, it affirms and builds mutual understandings. Hence, creates undeniably wonderful relationships between people.
So how do you say “I Love You!”? Let me count the ways:
Say it with spontaneity. Say how you feel right there and there. Don’t wait for special moment or occasion. Utter the words without hesitations. You’ll be surprised how the receiving end would take it. Don’t worry about rejections. What matter most, you let go of your guard and you’re being true to yourself and how you feel.
Say it with card. If you can’t say it face to face, send a card or note. Make sure you write the words. It is important that the words are written with your own penmanship, so the receiver would feel your sincerity.
Say it via e-card. The fastest way to commune is through the net. This way distance would not be a problem. Choose the sweetest and most impressive e-card. This way, not only you have shared your feelings, the receiver would be entertained too.
Say it via SMS. Technologies nowadays help us to make our life easier and convenient. They help us connect constantly and instantly. “I love you” would surely delight anyone’s day once he/she receive such message. And the reply is just a text away.
Say it through the web. There are different applications / sites where you can make shout-outs. Make a comment, post it on a wall, share a link, tweet, tumblr, blog …etc.
No matter how you say “I Love You!”, it only conveys one thing – your feelings. It means you are willing to share your affection to the other person.