So how are you going to shield your skin from the UV rays of the sun yet have fun? Follow the simple steps:
SUNBLOCK! If your activity would expose you most of the time outside, wear sunblock. Don’t go out without it. Use one that has SPF formula that guards you from 97 percent of UVA and UVB rays. Try to re-apply after few hours of exposing to the sun.
HYDRATE! Keep hydrated. Drink water more than the usual of 8 glasses a day. Eat fruits that are high in vitamins and natural water.
MOISTURIZE! Apply body lotion/moisturizer after shower. Some bath soaps rub off the natural skin oil. Therefore it is very important to apply moisturizer after shower to bring back the lost oil. Dry skin may cause wrinkles. And don’t forget to moisturize your lips by applying balm.
PROTECT! Use protection gears when crusading under the sun. Use umbrella or wear hats/caps. Use sunglasses. Never let yourself be exposed too long under the sun or you would end up looking like a roasted duck.