Here are some ways to help you trim that body:
Run or Walk. Oblige yourself to run or walk everyday. When going to office is only a short distance to where you live, why not use your pair of legs rather than driving your car or taking a cab? This way, you save money (for gasoline and/or fare); yet you’re giving yourself a better shape of you.
Join a group exercise. If you can’t exercise alone at home, why not go to the gym near your office and join a group exercise? Choose your best time to go to the gym (before work or after work). Join group exercises so you won’t feel lazy. The group may encourage you more and at the same time you meet new friends.
Lessen your food intake. If you eat two cups of rice a meal, make it only one cup. If you have 2pc chicken a meal, have 1pc only. If you take 1 big slice of steak, just take half of it then share the other half to others. If you feel like munching before regular meals, make sure you stay away from sweet delights like donuts, cakes, etc. and also, never munch hamburger or fries. 1 slice of cracker is good enough for munching between regular meals.
Keep your body hydrated. Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday. Less intake of water everyday may put your urinary tract in trouble, at the same time; toxins in your body may not be eliminated properly. Water helps your body revitalize.

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