Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lines that Kill

-“Is gEoMetry ur fAvor8 sUbjEct??”- ’coz in any AnGLe, you’re so cUte!!

-“do you know that I’m a scientist?”- ’coz You’re the 1 I Lab!

-“what’s you’re height?”- how did you fit in to my heart?

-”maybe you’re good in puzzle?”- ’coz you made my day as early in the morning.

-”Are you a cliff?”- I’m fallen for you!

-“I’m a bee”- can you be my honey?

-”do you have a license?”- coz you’re driving me crazy

-”are you tired yet?”- you keep running into my mind.

-”I’ll call the police”- you stole my heart!

-”I forgot your name”- can I call you mine?