Thursday, November 29, 2007

Online Dating TIPs

Because more and more people are going online to look for love, it's a good idea to hone your online dating skills so that you're ready to make the most of this new road to romance. Here are few tips to make good impression about yourself online:

1. Creating an online profile
Online profiles are all about broadcasting the special traits that make you who you are. If you feel uncomfortable boasting about yourself, you can put in the disclaimer, "According to Tickle's What's Your Best Quality?," and follow it up with something like this: I am a smart person who is more able to understand complex concepts than many other people are. I'm also a reliable and dependable person whom others can usually count on. Last but not least, I'm an inventive and creative person who usually has an abundance of imagination and ideas. These are my top qualities, but I'm also very stable, compassionate, determined, a articulate, and romantic.

You can list as many qualities as you like, but it may best for you to focus on no more than eight of your top qualities. Choose the particular traits that you most value in yourself. Taking this approach will create a vivid picture of a unique individual and draw people to you who are a good match for your traits. Listing too many qualities can dilute your best points and make it look a little like you're trying to be all things to all people. This will only complicate your search for love.

2. How to describe yourself in your emails

In the initial steps of online dating, much time is spent learning about the details of another person's personality to see if the two of you are a good fit. To help a potential romantic partner get to know more about who you are, you may want to pick a few of your top qualities and elaborate on them in more depth.

There are a couple ways to do this subtly, so that a person can learn more about you without you plainly having to state your positive traits. Rather than simply telling your potential love interest, "I'm a compassionate person," you can show them you're compassionate in your emails. One way to do this is to respond compassionately to things your love interest writes to you. For instance, perhaps you've noticed lately that they've been talking a lot about work and about the long hours they've been forced to keep. You might want to ask them a compassionate question like, "It seems as though your work has been very demanding lately. Is there something I can do to help reduce the strain on you?"

You could also express that you're a compassionate person by describing situations from your own life where you've displayed that trait. For example, if you've been compassionate toward your sister, you can let a date know this by saying something like, "I'm a little concerned about my sister. Lately she seems to be criticizing herself a lot and I'm afraid that her new job is taking a toll on her self-esteem."

People will tend to pick up on the quality behind a comment like that one without even consciously remarking on it. Over time, this kind of sharing creates a general impression of the person you are.

3. How to present yourself at first date

First dates can be so stressful that the most important thing to keep in mind is that you do have many attractive qualities. If you put those traits to use by simply being yourself, you're sure to put your best foot forward. You don't need to rehearse all the great things about yourself in advance unless it helps you to do so. Instead, just keep that mental list of your best qualities ready so that should you start to doubt yourself during the date, you'll be able to remember exactly why you're a worthy catch.

Also, don't feel the need to dazzle your date with all your brilliant qualities at once. Your date will get to know all the different good parts of you as the date progresses, just the way you'll get to know them. However, it's still a good idea to have an interesting story or two ready that represents some of the qualities you want your date to recognize in you. Not only will those tales be a good way to keep the conversation flowing, they will also present your date with a snapshot of the things you like best about yourself.

(soure: Tickle Test)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

5 Ways of Effective Parenting

Parenting to children must not be thought as a task to undertake or as an endeavor that must be endure a lifetime. It is an endowment that must be acknowledged and cherished. Remember, not everyone is privileged to become a parent. In any cases, at times, parenting is exhausting. Children can draw our energy. To avoid this tight spot, here are 5 ways of effective parenting:

You can’t just tell your child to do this or do that. If you want your child to become a better person, you must show good example. You can’t ask your child not to say foul words, when every time you finish your sentence is with the F--- word. Remember, children are the greatest mimic. You can’t teach a child things that are opposite on what you are actually doing. And by being a role model to your child, not only you teach him to be a better person but you also become one.

Learn to say “NO!” to your child. Lay your ground rules well and explain to your child why it must be followed. You must stick to your rules. Don’t say that there can always be exemption to the rules. If you do this often, you end up being inconsistent. Thus, your child might think of you as a liar.


Children seek approval from adults especially from their parents. Oftentimes some parents tend to forget to acknowledge their children’s effort on the things they do. Some parents are more heedful when children are misbehaving so they can correct them right away but forgetting to recognize them when they actually behave well. Simple words like “Thank you!”, “You are good!” etc. are words that can positively boost the spirit of a child.


Children love telling stories. Give time to listen to your child’s stories. Quit saying always to your child “Later! Not now, I’m busy.” These words push your child away and closing the doors to communicate openly with you. Listen to your child’s corny jokes, wild imagination, etc. This way, you are teaching your child to learn how to communicate well.

Express yourself. You can be angry or sad. You can be jolly or glad. You can loose your temper or be prim and proper. You can be thoughtful and sweet. You can be affectionate. But make sure in every emotional expression you do or have, don’t forget to explain to your child why you have these kinds of feelings. Explain well why you feel certain emotions in different situations. By expressing yourself, you are imparting your emotional quotient to your child and he learns to learn to express himself too. And remember, emotional quotient is better than intelligence quotient for a person to succeed in life.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thank You!

In these days with our busy lives, have you not forgotten to give thanks to the Lord when you wake up in the morning before you start your new day? How many of us say thanks to the passenger who passes our fare to the driver? Do you say thank you when the guard in your office building has opened the door for you? How often do you say thank you to your spouse for working hard and providing for the family?

When we are starting to raise our kids, thank you are the first few words we teach our children. But when our kids have grown-up, do they hear these words often from us? Do you give thanks to your child when you ask him to behave? Have you tried saying thank you when your child only just managed to have a passing mark in the report card? Have you said thank you when your little monster manages not to turn your house topsy-turvy for few minutes?

Do you know that these words can change a person? The other night, I was helping my eldest daughter to finish all her projects which are all due today. Both of us were already tired and weary. We went to bed almost midnight. Guess what my daughter did! She hugged and kissed me as usual, but she uttered these words; “Thank you, Mama.” Then I asked, “What for? I didn’t give you anything.” “For helping me with my projects” she replied. Boy! My heart sunk in a positive way. I was so touched. My tiredness and weariness were as if magically been removed. “Thank You” simple words yet can be so powerful and can move your being.

So, in any circumstances that we must give gratitude…let us not forget to say “Thank you”. Who knows what it will render to the recipient! Saying thank you is not only when someone has given us a present. We must be more appreciative to little things that others are extending to us. We must not forget these magical words.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Spy His Wares

Have you ever felt that your partner is ignoring you lately? For some reasons you could not understand, he simply couldn’t notice your new haircut. He would not bother that you had your hair dyed. He would not distinguish that you gained or lose some pounds. He even would not know that you have purchased an expensive jewelry. For some reasons he would not find you hot though you’re wearing your new Victoria’s Secret sexiest lingerie.

Gurl, it’s time to be wary of your man! It’s about time to spy his wares. To delve into his business doesn’t mean you don’t trust him anymore. You are just on your guard. You don’t like surprises, do you? It’s better to be careful than sorry later.

Here are some things you can check:

His phonebook. Look for unfamiliar name…he hasn’t mentioned it to you even a single time yet you see it in his list.

His text messages. Since you have checked into his phonebook you must as well check his text messages (inbox, outbox and sent items). This will confirm if the unfamiliar name is exchanging dulcet messages to your man.

His schedule. Try to ask him to have a mid-day date by having lunch together. If he refuses...change your strategy by giving him a surprise visit. You might be really surprised!

His wallet. There are some things in his wallet that can give you a clue like credit card receipts. He might be doing some purchases that you are not aware of.

His email. Sneak and peek to his emails if you can. You never know what you can read. Sweet nothing mails means something else.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Improving Your Memory

The more information we can store and recall, the smarter we feel. Memory is crucial to the whole process of learning and retaining knowledge, both of which increase your perceived intelligence. After all, without memory, how could you show off your expertise in Renaissance Art or 1950's cars? However, a good memory isn't necessarily an indicator of a high IQ. Instead, it is a mark of effective learning and synthesizing strategies, as well as your genetic makeup.

Since your memory can indeed be molded, the most important thing in strengthening your memory is to keep your mind active. Just as you exercise your body, you need to exercise your mind. If you continue to challenge yourself, your brain literally keeps growing. With use, your brain can develop new dendrites — the connections between the nerve cells in your brain — which helps your memory in retrieving and storing information.

Although research does indicate that the strength of your memory is partially dependent on your hereditary genes, there are some specific things that researchers suggest for enhancing your memory.

What Was Your Name Again?
Are you one of those people who just can't seem to remember the names of new people? While it's a common problem, forgetting someone's name isn't the best way to make a first impression. Associate the person's name with a defining characteristic. Our brains like to cluster information to solidify it. So instead of just thinking, "Sheila," try thinking, "Sheila, the pilot," or "Sheila, with those great hazel eyes."

When picking something to associate with the person's name, choose something that interests you or seems intriguing (or, for that matter, unappealing or irritating). This will help the person stand out in your mind and cement the name in your memory. Repeat the person's name. You can think the name and characteristic silently to yourself during the conversation. You may also want to say the person's name at least once, but probably no more than twice, during the conversation. Try to end with something like, "It was nice talking to you, Sheila."

Forgetfulness Got Your Tongue?
You know you know it, you just can't remember it. It's on the tip of your tongue. How can you bring it from the deep, dark recesses of your mind? Give yourself a break. Literally. Sometimes pushing to remember just drives the memory away, whereas taking a few minutes to let your mind wander or focus on something else can sometimes be more successful in allowing your mind to recall the word. Or you can allow yourself to think of something associated that leads you to remember the word.

Try to scan your mind for associations. For example, if you're trying to think of the name of a store, imagine the clerk, the atmosphere, the products, the stores on either side. As you form a more complete memory, the image of the store's sign or logo may come into your mind. The basic idea is to find things that you've associated with the name, in hopes that those things will bring the name to the surface of your memory.

Numbers, Numbers Everywhere
Phone numbers, birth dates, addresses, dollar amounts, and passwords are just some of the ways that numbers flood our lives. Remembering these can prove challenging for many of us, because strings of numbers are more abstract than strings of letters. For example, memorizing "8583938759309354" is going to take much longer than memorizing the word "associations" or the name "Sheila."

There are many intricate systems to help people remember longer numbers. One of the most basic ways is to associate each number with a letter, also known as "pegging." There are numerous ways to attempt pegging, depending on how long the number is that you need to remember. A simplified version of pegging can be used for remembering phone numbers, especially since most phones have letters on the keypad to correspond with each number.

"Chunking" is another method that you can use to remember hard-to-recall numbers. It involves breaking up long series of numbers into more memorable sections, primarily by inserting hyphens. Phone numbers and social security numbers are already formatted in this way to make them easier to recall (555-9663 is much more memorable than 5559663).

Memory Food
The strength of your memory is based at least partially on what you eat. Eat a well-balanced diet that has fresh fruits and vegetables, adequate amounts of protein, and complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice or whole-wheat bread. Foods like these that are rich in antioxidants can nourish and protect your brain cells. Additionally, try to limit coffee and soda, as sugar and caffeine can interfere with your thinking. Try to limit your alcohol intake. Drinking more than one or two glasses of alcohol per day can have a negative impact on the memory centers of your brain, thus impairing your recall abilities.

Stay Positive
You aren't the only one who has forgotten your best friend's birthday. And you certainly aren't the first person to spend hours searching for the sunglasses that were resting on the top of your head all along. So, don't be hard on yourself if you forget something. Remember that everyone has difficulty remembering things and very few people have perfect memories.The best thing you can do is to keep a positive attitude when your memory fails you. After all, if you start to worry that your memory is declining, that anxiety will only interfere with your ability to remember even more.

(source: Tickle Tests)

Understanding Your Memory

Why Does Memory Matter?
Memory takes place in the area of the brain known as the hippocampus. You rely on your memory almost every second of every day, using it for everything from remembering which day of the week it is, to bigger things like how to do your job, or which bus to take or where to do your grocery shopping. Your memory allows you to remember the people in your life, all of the experiences that you have had, as well as what you plan to do each day and how you do it. Without memory, you would be a blank screen, stripped of all previous knowledge and experiences.

How Memory Works?
Memory can be broken down into two distinct parts: short-term memory, which lasts about 30 seconds, and long-term memory, which starts after that 30 seconds and can potentially last a lifetime. There are three factors that help your brain determine which information to transfer to your long-term memory. The first is your degree of attention and concentration. Multi-tasking obviously decreases your ability to commit something to memory since your attention is only partially directed towards one activity. For example, if you watch TV while you study, you will likely have a much harder time transferring that information into your long-term memory because you'll be stimulated by what you're trying to learn, by what's on the TV and by what's going on around you, too. The second factor is the meaningfulness of the information; if something impacts you directly or seems important or interesting to you, it's more likely to stick in your long-term memory. The third and final factor is how well new information fits with your existing knowledge. If new information builds upon something you've already stored in your long-term memory, it's more likely to associate with the existing information in your mind and lodge itself into your memory.

Short-term memory, then, is seen as the gateway to your long-term memory. The more something captures your interest and attention, and the more important that information is to you, the more likely it'll be stored in your long-term memory. Information that is repeatedly used and built upon tends to become a stronger long-term memory. However, certain special information can lodge itself into your mind indefinitely without following these standard memory rules.

Flash Bulb Memory
Have you ever wondered why you can remember certain days or events in your life so much better than others? How is it that you can sometimes hear or see something just one time, and remember it for the rest of your life? Scientists call these kinds of memories "flash bulb" memories. These memories stand out because of their powerful emotional content, a unique aspect that allows you to recall that memory that much more easily. For instance, Americans who were alive when President Kennedy was shot often recall the vivid details of when they heard the news — including who told them, where they were, how they felt, and other surrounding circumstances. Another example of this would be remembering with exceptional clarity a day of personal trauma, such as the death of a loved one. While these memories aren't always completely accurate, they do serve as an example of how emotional content can enhance the storage of a memory.

(source: Tickle Tests)

Do You Remember?

Bad at remembering numbers but it's important for your job? Maybe there are different ways you can think about numbers based on other memory skills. Always misplacing things around the house, which makes you chronically late? Understanding different memory tricks can probably help you beat that problem, too.

Memory is more than just the romanticized idea of "making memories." It's how you remember specific information that helps you function in the world — whether on an emotional or more practical scale. If you know how you best process information, you can improve your chances of retaining pertinent information, and retrieving that information when you need to.

Research shows there's a lot you can do to improve your memory. And if you do, it can help you function in more ways than you'd think. There are 6 main types of memory which help us interpret and store different types of information. Visual memory, numeric memory, spatial memory, object-oriented memory, reading comprehension, and delayed-recall memory work in their own ways to help you store information. Most people are stronger in some forms of memory than in others. And that, in turn can tell you something about the way you personally tend to process information and turn it into long-term knowledge.

Visual Memory
Your Visual Memory allows you to remember visual clues and details, such as what someone looks like once you're no longer around them. When you see a word, picture, or symbol, you might find yourself forming a corresponding image in your mind; your Visual Memory is what allows you to recall that image once the object is no longer in sight. If you have a strong visual memory, this visual memorization technique can help you store and retrieve non-visual information, such as the meaning and spelling of vocabulary words.

Numeric Memory
Numeric Memory allows you to recall series of numbers, such as phone numbers, numeric passwords, combinations, and various account numbers. This memory technique can be tough for some to master, because strings of numbers are somewhat abstract and don't naturally correspond with one another in the same ways that letters of a word or images do.

Spatial MemoryYour
Spatial Memory allows you to recall the details of stationary objects that occupy physical space. Specifically, it relates to your ability to recall the physical relationship of objects to one another, including the distance between them, and/or their orientation to each other. Remembering how to get around town, recalling where you've put things, and being able to visualize the layout of a room are all examples of how you use this aspect of memory.

Object-Oriented Memory
Your Object-Oriented Memory allows you to visualize an object's movement and its ultimate destination and location in space. It involves being able to form a mental image of an object, rotating that image mentally, comparing it to the initial image, and judging whether or not the two objects are the same. This type of memory is used in various sports, as well as in everyday activities like packing a tight suitcase or organizing a closet full of various sized objects.

Interestingly, researchers have found that men tend to do better than women in this area, while women tend to have better skills when it comes to more verbal fluency. It's controversial whether these results can be explained more by biological differences between the sexes, or by the fact that men and women are socialized differently — taught to think, see, and participate in different activities that would foster, or discourage, this type of memory development.

Reading Comprehension
Your Reading Comprehension is a form of memory that allows you to read a passage or sentence, interpret its meaning, then store the general sense of its meaning for later use. As you read a passage, even this passage, you layer the meaning of the next sentence on to the meaning of the previous sentence — building on your initial sense of the meaning, and integrating new information to form a higher-level understanding and interpretation of the text as a whole. In general, your Reading Comprehension memory allows you to construct meaning based on the information you identify as important in the material. It also allows you to remember specific details from a passage and the specific ordering of information within the text.

Delayed Recall
Your Delayed Recall memory refers to your ability to transfer information from your short-term memory to your longer-term memory and then to recall it when you want to. Short-term memory technically lasts no longer than 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the you either commit that that information to long-term memory or the information slips away from your brain. Delayed Recall memory allows you to remember information several minutes, hours, or days, or even years after first learning it.

In order to preserve the information stored in your mind with Delayed Recall, you'll likely need to continue using or reviewing that information, or associating it with other existing memories. By doing so, you may be able to remember things for the rest of your life.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Incredible Insights

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.

We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness. We dr!nk too much, sm0ke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things. We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.

Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side. Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent. Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Are you worried that your man might be unfaithful? You have this inkling that your man might be sailing in two rivers, yet you can’t substantiate it. Here are some indications that he’s covering something from you:

Goes Offensive. If you ask a guilty guy about his dubious actions, he might throw out his own grim allegations like “You don’t trust me, do you?” or “Is this because you’re seeing someone else?” His goal is to put you on the defensive so the attention is shift off from him.

Inflexible Routine. Certainly, most people do their day-to-day toil in a rather habitual way. But a deceitful guy’s schedule might be a little too stern. If he’s always occupied the same two days a week, refuses to change his timetable, or never calls on Saturday s, you might want to discover why.

Short Leash Strategy. In order to pull off such a ploy, a polygamist wants to know where you are at all times. He might try to constrict your circle of friends so you’re less likely to randomly meet his other chick. Or he’ll freak when you make last-minute plans, afraid you’ll catch him on a date.

(source: Cosmopolitan Phils)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Your Man's Desire Zones

You may already know how to get a rise out of your man below the belt, but to make him really ache with desire, you have to aim higher. The Cosmopolitan Philippine guidelines on how to touch, tease, and tantalize his torso will teach you to do just that.

To fire up your guy’s desire, place your lips just below his Adam’s apple and gently suck. Your mouth will be stimulating his thyroid gland, which according to ancient Chinese medicine, closely corresponds to his package.

Inner Upper Arm
This thin-skinned area contains a lot of nerve endings and is completely hairless, so it’s super responsive t the lightest touch. To turn him on without venturing into ticklish territory, gently run your nails in long strokes up and down the front of the muscle.

Believe it or not, men’s headlights can be as sensitive as yours, so don’t scrimp on the nipple play. First, lightly brush them with the backs of your fingers. Then, softly run the palms of you hands over each one in a circular motion to create a warming sensation.

Pec Muscles
The line that defines the bottom part of his chest is touch-worthy region because the skin is tout and thin, especially on a guy who does his push-ups. Stimulate this hot spot by running the tip of your tongue along the perimeter of each pec-from side to center.

Along HIS Sides
Beneath this soft run of skin are tension filled muscles, so use a slightly firm touch to loosen them up. Place your hands on either side of his waist, fingers pointing up. Using light pressure, slide them up to his underarms and back down to his hips. Repeat.

Lower Abs
The area above the pelvic bone contains a cluster of sensitive nerve endings and, because of its proximity to his parcel, provides psychological stimulus as well. Using a barely-there touch, trace across his lower tummy with your tongue. Finish up by blowing air along the same path.

Treasure Trail
For a tantalizing tease, slowly plant kisses along the ling of hair leading from his navel downward. The soft fuzz of this pleasure path tickles the skin, creating a tingly sensation. At his package, pause, then head back up to amp his anticipation.

The above guidelines will surely make your man ache for desire. Not only you created a breathtaking foreplay for him, but he will crave for you as often than usual. When you successfully follow this simple pleasure map for him, he will surely adore you and passionately beseech to have you more.

(source: Cosmopolitan Phils.)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rx: WASLEX - A Diet Prescription

Nowadays there have been many ways to lose weight and stay healthy. Different kinds of diets have been sprouting lately like mushrooms. But to many, nothing seems to be working out well. Others can’t figure out why they can’t seem to be successful in having a good body and figure.

The truth is…one should not deprive himself from eating anything at all. The trick is just to eat all in moderation. Remember the food group pyramid? Stick to that scheme and you’ll have a bon a petit all the time. Do you think to go vegetarian is healthy? Think again!! Not all essential nutrients are in veggies. The truth of the matter is…your body can really be a “veggie”.

In any diet you may take, however, there is a prescription you must not neglect and ignore, i.e. WASLEX. This is a must that you should have in any form of dieting you have & do.

The very essential produce that our body needs. Experts say…take at least 8 glasses a day. But I say…take more than 10 glasses a day. Don’t worry, your bladder can take as much as many as you really can. Your bladder is expandable organ, so don’t worry that it might explode because you have taken much. Water helps in keeping your body eliminating toxics out from your system.

Many say that adult need only at least 6 hrs sleep in a day. Some thought that depriving oneself to sleeping hours could help lose weight. But have you noticed that if you only sleep that much or lesser everyday, your body tends to be sluggish? Hence, you crave for more food than usual. You feel you don’t have the energy to get you going, so you crave for food that you thought can boost your energy. Thus, you find yourself gaining more weight.

Try to have 8 hour sleep everyday and your body will have all the energy you need. Remember that rejuvenating, repairing and recharging of your brain and body only takes place when you are at sleep. If you deprive yourself from sleep, your body will not be fully recharged and repaired.

A 15 to 20 minutes exercise is good to your body. Your body needs exercise to maintain better metabolism. If you have slow metabolism, it means that the process of converting the nutrients into useful components is slow. Thus, the nutrients will amass in your body and eventually you’ll gain weight. Exercise will make the metabolism of your body faster so that the breakdown of the nutrients into useful components and energy is also faster. Exercise will make your body more energetic and your heart stronger than ever.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Pleasure Map II

These zones must not be taken for granted. If you master how to handle these erogenous zones with so much caress and sensitivity, you'll find yourself and your woman always in cloud nine. Your woman would no longer fake the big "O".

Back is isn’t as sensitive as smaller areas but a back massage can be a highly sensual experience especially when the massage is done with gentle kisses from top to buttocks. A good teaser for more sexual pleasure and well worth the effort if you have the time…(turn-on rating 5/10)

The inner side of her hip bones, where they curve into her stomach, is an erotic little area too often overlooked. Kiss and lick the hollows, teasing her by making her think you’re about to go down. Go as far as you can w/o reaching her pelvic bone, kissing a trail along the top of her pelvis and flicking your tongue over her lower tummy. Use it to get her in the mood but never, never grab handful of flesh…(turn-on rating 5/10)

Her inner thighs are her stairway to heaven. Sensitivity increases the higher up you go. Trail your fingers from her knees to 3 quarters of the way up. Stop there, to increase her anticipation- and stroke her inner thigh in circular motion alternating fingertips w/ the flat of your hand. Don’t rub as if preparing a horse for a gymkhana. And don’t bypass her thighs and go straight for the intersection-that’s just crass. Anticipation is the key…(turn-on rating 8/10)

Breasts are an obvious target, but don’t assume that any handling is good. It isn’t! Caress slowly, growing gradually closer to the teats-breasts are then far more likely to respond. You can trace your tongue over them, flick it over her teats and suck lightly once you’re sure she’s turned on. Never use teeth near her breasts and don’t pinch her teats-she isn’t a porn star and it hurts!…(turn-on rating 7/10) could be 10/10 if you get it right.

Apparently, men are only fascinated by breasts because they mimic the shape of buttocks, a primary sex signal. Women like having their bums touched as long as it’s a gentle caress. Stroke her bums all over alternating between your fingertips and palm and lightly kiss the hollow where her spine begins—this can drive your woman insane w/ lust. Don’t knead and rub them…(turn-on rating 6/10)

Men thought touching, licking, kissing or whatever they do to it, they could turn on their women by doing so. Little they know that women hate it. That’s the part that should be left untouched! Ladies have “eeky” feeling about it actually. Don’t try penetrating it please! It is more painful than pleasurable. …(turn-on rating 0-1/10)

You think you’re home and dry with this zone--it’s veritable mass of excitable nerve endings. But it’s not just a mini-penis, so never forget you must be gentle. Touch her with a fingertip slightly to one slide, to lessen painful pressure. When it is wet, just flick your finger or tongue back and forth as lightly as possible or rub in small circles. Once she’s gasping never stop, or change the pressure or she’ll be back to square one. Don’t treat her clitoris as a scratch card, excitedly rubbing away to see if you’ve won. It will hurt. Don’t go down on her as if you’re eating hot soup- all you need is a quick, rhythmic tongue motion and never change the pressure ”just to vary things.” Mind blowing orgasm if you do it right, dull and agonizing if wrong…(turn-on rating 10/10)

Treat w/ caution-the vagina only has nerve endings for the 1st 3 inches, so digging around up there like you’re trying to change a light bulb will do no good whatsoever. Circle her vagina w/ your finger—or tongue, or even penis—and then, if she’s willing, slide the tip in a little way, and out, stroke and caress the outer walls while touching her clits at the same time. Don’t hold one-man “how many fingers” competition—you’re not stretching her for a childbirth. It will not excite her but you’d rather hurt her…(turn-on rating 7/10)

(source: FHM Magazine)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Erogenous Zones:The Pleasure Map I

You can take your lady to uncharted reaches of sexual delight by mastering and knowing her erogenous zones.

As a man, you have one primary erogenous zone that renders the fondling of all other bodily areas merely the tedious warm up before the international superstar takes the stage. But for women, erogenous zones are more like classical orchestra – each individual has a part to play and each section is equally valuable.

Only few men knows that women love long foreplay…because some men like to be in climax too soon, their ladies ended up in faking the big “O”. Thus, in the end, more often than not…many ladies left unsatisfied after the big performance.

Hey, you don’t like your lady always be unhappy every time you share your intimate feelings with each other, do you? So, here are the erogenous zones you must take to lead both of you to the pleasure island of desire:

Play with her hair loosely & gently and pay attention to the area behind her ears and hairline. Scalp is covered with nerves making it a sensory hotbed – while gently playing with her hair will also make you appear sensitive….(turn-on rating: 7/10)

The face has great erogenous potential, just beware of slobbering it all over. Trail your fingertips lightly across her skin in circular motions, smoothing eyebrow, kiss her eyelids and press feathery kisses along her cheeks but don’t lick her face….(turn-on rating 5/10)

It’s no coincidence we use our lips to express ourselves intimately through kissing-they’re fantastically responsive. Approach her lips slowly and kiss her close by the corners until she’s obviously turned on. Then kiss her gently with your lips only slightly parted before darting your tongue in. Don’t use your teeth there’s no erotic about a painful bite…(turn-on rating 8/10)

Never ignore ears-these sensitive petals can bring certain women close to orgasmic stimulation. Nibble and suck the lobes softly and gently & run your tongue lightly to curve then whisper sweet nothings. Never stick your tongue in it or you’ll drive your lady to shift gear and be in irritated mood…(turn-on rating 6/10)

Many women are instantly turned on by having their necks caressed, so don’t neglect it. Begin by kissing the sides just below her ears-and here is where a very gentle bite may be welcomed, but don’t overdo it. Don’t go near the windpipe or you’ll end up choking her…(turn-on rating 8/10)

(source: FHM Magazine)

Friday, September 7, 2007

Live Rich without shelling out much

Nowadays, more are brand conscious and crave for luxurious lifestyles. Can someone in tight budget really live well heeled? Of course! You can be wearing an Issey Miyake de ukay-ukay, carrying a $1 vintage clutch, but if you look great and feel great, who cares?! There are plenty of ways to feel luxurious, stylish, and pampered without spending much. Remember, there’s always a party with an open bar for some free champagne, and tons of other low-priced substitutes. Bear in mind, it’s all in the attitude…

How to live rich without shelling out much:
Simplify your life. Think of the things you can live without. Material things do not always denote true richness and joie de vivre. Focus on what makes you happy, not keeping up with the latest “it” bag carried by the latest “it” girl. Remember, your self-worth doesn’t come from a pair of Jimmy Choos, but from character and confidence.

Be resourceful. Find out where and when there are events that usually have an open bar for a limited time period. A little champagne never hurt any one! At the bigger events where crowd control isn’t so tight, you can crash and say you’re “looking” for someone already there. Just be sure to be appropriately dressed and always confident.

Be polite to everyone and smile. Royalty does this all the time and it works. A haughty look won’t get you invited to the right places by the right people. Also, spend a few minutes making chi-chat with doormen, bouncers, waiters, and various staff. A bit of PR can go a very long way.

Be creative. Don’t forget that having fun is still free. Use your imagination – there are a lot of things that can be achieved without having to shell out. Don’t be afraid of substituting. Develop your own look – this creates an air of uniqueness that people just love. Before you know it, you’ll be on everyone’s guest list.

Do your research. Read the papers, scan the magazine – this way you know what’s going on and who is who. Keeping yourself informed about various topics, from fashion to film to politics will make it easy to strike up a conversation. Also, it helps to brush up on basic manners and etiquette the mark of true breeding.

(source: Cosmopolitan Phils.)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How HE Made Me Feel Sooo SEXY

"Can I have you for dessert?" Wouldn't it be nice to hear these words from your significant other? Let’s admit it, once in a while you need these words to boost your ego and at the same time your libido.

¤ We weren’t the type of couple to indulge in dirty talk in bed or watch XXX movies. One day though as we were getting hot and heavy, I blurted out that I was so wet and that I wanted him that moment. Inspired by my sudden outburst, he started saying so many things about what he was about to do to me. Then he played xxx DVD that he had kept from me for a long time (I didn’t know how) and told me he would take me to places I haven’t been before. True enough he did and I felt sooo good & sexy. I felt like a hot porn star.

So, what’s your story? Reveal your ultra-steamy and sweet stories...leave your comments!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Scents trigger lover’s desire

How does your lover like your smell? Scent can send signal to trigger your lover’s intimate desire for you. It can magnetize or repel your lover. Your scent gives essential indication on how you can attract your lover’s interest towards you. Thus, it is vital to know how well you choose what you put on to your body.

Perfumes, colognes, lotions, soaps, deodorants, etc., give scents to your body to create pleasant smell. But did you know that some products no matter how good it smells may not actually smell good on you? May it be Christian Dior, Bulgari, Armani, etc., each person has his/her own body chemistry that may react on products being applied to the body. Any products can create pleasant or adverse reaction on the body. So, you must be very careful on choosing the products you apply to your body. It is very important to test the product first before actually using it.

Do’s and Dont’s:
¤ Don’t use strong perfume on first date. Your date might have allergic rhinitis that can trigger his/her allergy. Allergies can really ruin a perfect date.
¤ Use mild scents for your daily activities and re-apply for every four hours. You never know when your lover is coming on surprise visit.
¤ Don’t use one type of scent only. Let your lover wonder how you would smell on your next meeting.
¤ Keep a handy amount of scent products in your bag or purse. It pays always to be ready all the time.
¤ Follow the directions well on how to keep the products you use. Temperature may affect some products and alter their qualities.
¤ Apply lotion, perfume, or cologne after shower when your body hasn’t fully dried up yet.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Basic Components of Successful Marriage

To some people, marriage is a vow between couples that unites and binds them for lasting relationship. To others, marriage is a contract between two people that commit themselves for lifetime relationship. But in this day and age, we find couples unfaithful to the vow and breach the contract. Couples find themselve struggling to keep their marriage for lasting and lifetime relationship to one another. Many couples would ask, “Why their marriage is a failure?”

I’m no expert on this matter, but living and seeing how my grandparents worked on their wonderful and colorful marriage; I’ve learned that there are only four basic components of successful marriage. L.I.P.S. are the basic components to make marriage last a lifetime.

Love is a constellation of
emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness. To love someone, one must learn to love everything about that person and that includes his/her flaws. Love teaches a person to be respectful, caring, faithful and honest. If we violate one of these traits to our spouses, then absolutely our love for them is not pure.

Intimacy has more to do with shared moments than sexual interactions. Intimate feelings may be connected or confused with sexual arousal. Intimacy is linked with feelings of closeness, safety, trust and transparency among partners in a collaborative relationship. For intimacy to be sustainable and nourishing it also requires trust, transparency and rituals of connection. It is possible to compete over intimacy but that is likely to be self-defeating. Intimacy requires empathy - the ability to stand in the other's shoes. Intimacy can also be identified as knowing someone in depth, knowing many different aspects of a person or knowing how they would respond in different situations, because of the many experiences you've shared with them.

Passion is a gift of the spirit combined with the totality of all the experiences we've lived through. It endows each of us with the power to live and communicate with unbridled enthusiasm. Passion is most evident when the mind, body and spirit work together to create, develop and articulate or make manifest our feelings, ideas and most sacred values.

According to Brian Norris, passion enables us to overcome obstacles (both real and imagined) and to see the world as a place of infinite potential. The passionate spirit looks at every occurrence and discovers the golden kernels of what can be, what should be and what will be. Passion has its own energy -- an energy that's observable and transferable. Best of all, you can't fake it. Almost anyone, with only a bit of intuitiveness, can spot the charlatan. We can smell the lying wolf. We can sense a lack of sincerity, authenticity and depth. We can inhale the bitter, infectious dryness of the imposter's soul.

Sexuality is how people experience and express themselves as sexual beings. It can encompass
sexual intercourse and sexual contact in all its forms, as well as medical concerns about the physiological or even psychological aspects of sexual behaviour; sociologically, it can cover the cultural, political, and legal aspects; and philosophically, it can span the moral, ethical, theological, spiritual or religious aspects. Couples must be bound to satisfy his/her significant others, no matter what.

Marriage will only be successful if couples would strive to make their LIPS sealed all the time.

Life is What You Make It

Life is what you make it.
It’s up to you to choose the kind of life you want.

If you choose to be alone,
Then you would know no friends at all.
If you choose to be misguided,
Then you would not be vindicated.
If you choose to live in obscurity,
Then you would not value luminosity.
If you choose to have no faith,
Then you would be at lost.

But why choose this kind of life,
When there is better life than this?

If you choose to be with people,
Then you would know how to love.
If you choose to be just,
Then you would gain respect.
If you choose to live in light,
Then you would see the truth.
If you choose to believe in God,
Then you would be saved.

Life is what you make it.
It’s up to you to make it worthwhile.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pursuit of HAPPYness

Have you watched Will Smith’s movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness”? Will Smith played the role of a father that struggles to build a future. He would do whatever it takes so he could provide his son a better life. In the end of the story, the father’s determination paid off. With self confidence and the love and trust of his son, he rises above his obstacles and became a Wall Street legend. Then, he’s HAPPY.
Happiness is a consistent, moderate state of satisfaction or joy. True happiness with yourself and your life comes from having a strong, balanced, consistently positive approach to yourself and your world. Traditionally, it has been thought that if a person doesn't feel an overall sense of happiness with life, there must be something wrong. However recently, psychologists have begun to believe that this just isn't so. Happiness, they claim, is a state of mind, a life perception, and a series of good habits.

This is good news. If happiness is a skill set, then you can learn to be happier. Some people seem to be born happy. This may be true. Or perhaps these "happier" people have simply already learned these happiness skills through their interactions, through reading, or by having a keen perception into human nature. Whatever the case, their happiness is something you can learn from and achieve for yourself. In fact, if you know someone who seems very happy, they'll most likely be happy to advise you if you ask them about their outlook on life.

It should be noted that certain people experience intermittent moments of happiness without feeling like they can characterize themselves as happy people. In fact, some individuals have extremely happy moments, feeling a state of euphoria, and later crash down into depression or misery. These individuals lack the balance just described, either because they haven't learned the skills or, in rarer cases, because of biological factors having to do with their brain chemistry.

Finally, even happy people have down days. It's unrealistic to expect permanent, nonstop happiness. Such a thing doesn't exist in reality. However, you can learn to be more content with your life, confident in yourself, grateful for what you have, committed to your personal growth, full of laughter and good cheer, and optimistic. You can also learn to develop positive, supportive relationships with the people around you. In fact, by focusing yourself steadfastly on these seven areas, you can quite readily achieve them. Just remember that by enjoying yourself on your path to greater happiness, you're already a good way to achieving what you desire.

(source: Tickle Tests)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mood Swings may affect Sex Life

Do you have mood swings? Your mood swings may affect others, especially your loved ones. It could also affect your sex life. Moods must be managed carefully or it could create disaster in a relationship. To know your moods is very important in interacting with other people.

Moods are relatively lasting emotional or affective state. They generally have either a positive or negative effect. In other words, people often speak of being in a good or bad mood.

Though you may always feel happy most of the time, you are likely to feel as many as eight different mood states throughout the day. They are:

Calm Happy Energetic Enthusiastic
Uneasy Passive Exhausted Sad

Your mood swings are what you are most likely to notice, but it is the frequency of each of these eight mood states that will have the greatest impact on how you handle and perceive situations every day.. In fact, your moods set the tone for all of your day-to-day experiences—they are the filter through which you experience the good, the bad, the highs and the lows of your day.

When a person feels calm, he or she feels positive about life but generally has a lower level of energy. This lower level of energy can be beneficial insofar as it offers the individual time to think, reflect on and enjoy their feelings of optimism.

Happy individuals are generally filled with satisfaction and contentment. Happiness is a purely emotional state—it is not attached to a particular level of energy. It is quite possible for happy individuals to feel extremely satisfied and content with life, but to lack the desire to expend energy on making the situation even better.

When a person feels energetic, it is usually experienced as a flurry of activity. Feeling energetic is neither positive nor negative. It's a neutral emotion that simply denotes a highly active state-most likely the result of channeling all feelings, both positive and negative, into actions.

A highly enthusiastic individual will experience positive feelings and high energy levels since enthusiasm is both a heightened emotional and heightened physical state.

When a person feels uneasy, he or she feels negative about life and invests high energy in their negative emotions. They often appear actively upset about the events in their life. Uneasiness is a complicated state because the two components—sadness and obsession over that sadness—feed off one another making situations seem worse than they really are.

Passivity is usually experienced as a stillness in mind and body. In fact, feeling passive is not indicative of happiness or sadness, rather it is a neutral state. The primary emphasis is on quietude, with little attention paid to a positive or negative mood.

When a person feels exhausted, he or she experiences negative feelings about life and exceptionally low levels of energy. An exhausted individual might feel depressed, yet be unable to muster the energy to make changes that would take their life in a new or positive direction. This is a particularly difficult mood to navigate since low levels of energy and sadness serve up a double whammy.

As you know, when a person feels sad, he or she is filled with a sense of dissatisfaction and has a negative outlook on life. Sadness is not attached to a level of energy. In fact, it simply denotes a highly charged negative emotion. A person can feel sad without experiencing fatigue or heightened states of nervous energy.

But how do these moods affect one another? And more importantly, how do they affect you? Are your moods taking you on an emotional rollercoaster ride or is it pretty smooth-sailing? You are liable to experience any of eight mood states at some point. Depending on what's going on in your life, your moods can shift on a daily, monthly or even yearly basis.

So what's the decisive factor? Well, it could be just about anything: Life events, both good and bad, your perception of those events, your physiological makeup, even your coping methods.

External Triggers
There's plenty of truth to the old saying: the only thing certain in life is change. Relationships fluctuate, world events—both tragic and joyful—take place without warning. Plain and simple: things happen, and these external influences trigger various mood states. Naturally, people have different responses these triggers.

Internal Perceptions
The way you perceive the events of your life can also play into the type and severity of the moods that you experience. Each of us has different internal beliefs about how life tends to unfold—whether you believe that it is dependent on your own actions or whether you think it is outside of your personal control. These internal perceptions can have a persistent and powerful affect on your mood state.

If you believe your own accountability to the extreme, you will probably end up feeling a lot of self-inflicted pressure when it comes to your own success, with your mood suffering when you feel unaccomplished. Taking on too much personal blame when things go wrong can leave you feeling depressed, discouraged, and it can negatively affect your health. Conversely, affording yourself too much credit when things go well can leave you with an over-inflated sense of security possibly setting you up for a big fall should anything outside of your control go wrong such as a natural disaster.

Most life events unfold as a result of both your actions and situational factors. By placing too much emphasis on either your own behavior or external forces, your worldview may become skewed in a way that is unhelpful in fostering your general well-being and happiness.

Mood Generalization
In many situations, people generalize their current mood to the rest of their life. They might feel that if one thing has gone wrong, everything has gone wrong or if something good happens, all of life is great. While this can sometimes take a positive form, by producing extensive feelings of optimism, it can also be an agent of gloom when carried into other areas of your life. The extent to which you consistently believe that you can generalize from your current experience to predict your future success will either negatively or positively affect your mood. In fact, the power of positive thought can often result in positive life events while the power of negative thoughts can result in negative life events.

Physiological Factors
In addition to external forces and internal perceptions, physiological factors are often the culprits behind mood swings. These might include hormone fluctuations, brain chemistry or diet.

Women who are in the premenstrual phase of their fertility cycle can have large hormone shifts that may affect their mood. For those women who don't menstruate, the onset of menopause, pregnancy or an insufficient body weight are all mood-altering factors and may entail hormonal changes of their own. Men are also prone to hormonal shifts, often experiencing a hormonal rollercoaster in adolescence, or later in life as postulated by the theory of "male menopause."

In addition, a person's brain chemistry can have an enormous effect on the moods they experience. In the most extreme case, "imbalanced" brain chemistry can lead to serious problems associated with mood such as depression, anxiety, and mania. The good news is that these imbalances can usually be treated with prescribed medications. If you feel that your mood swings sometimes get out of hand, you might want to seek professional advice.

Your diet and your intake of controlled substances can also have a significant effect on your mood. For example, eating sugary foods boosts your energy in the short term but ultimately results in a "crash" to a lower-level mood. Alcohol can have a similar effect, producing a brief "high" followed by a depressing "low."

As you can see, there are a variety of physiological factors that can affect your mood. While some are more manageable than others, it is important to take all of the above factors into account when figuring out the reasons behind your mood swings.

Coping Strategies
All of us have different ways of coping with the ups and downs of life. We develop these coping strategies through trial and error, determining what works best to improve a given situation. Effective coping skills can have a huge impact on mood management, allowing an individual to redirect their focus and turn a melancholy mood upside down.

Behaviors, thoughts, and mood are highly interconnected. By adjusting one, you can affect the others. Accordingly, if you can find the power to assert control over one element in the equation, it can have a profound affect on improving your overall mood!

If you have positive overall mood in your day to day living, most likely everything will follow. You could affect other people in sanguine manner. Your sex partner would definitely desire you more since positive overall mood could make you look and feel sexy!

(source: Tickle Tests)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Emotions Can Make or Break a Relationship

Your emotions can guide you towards smart decisions. In fact, increasingly, researchers are pointing to Emotional IQs as better indicators of overall success in life than traditional IQ tests alone. Healthy relationships and flourishing careers are impossible without interacting successfully with others. Even someone who possesses a genius Intellectual Quotient (IQ) can miss out on the wisdom that comes from understanding another human being.

You must know how to handle well your emotions. If not, emotions can make or break a relationship; not just between lovers, it could be between friends, co-workers, classmates, family, etc. Emotions guide us how we interact with other people. It is very important to know, express and acknowledge one's emotions in a manner that can build healthy relationships.

Emotional Myths:
Myth 1: Emotions are more primitive than reason.
Emotions originate in the brain just like reason, even though you might feel them in your heart or in your gut. They are equally valid when making decisions, the key to making informed decisions it to consult both sides of your brain.

Myth 2: Clamping down on your emotions is a sign of strength.
Unfortunately, too many people mistakenly believe that being able to turn off their emotions makes them powerful. Conversely, some people think that feeling and emotion gives you permission to act upon it. The key to managing your emotions is to strike the right balance. You must first allow yourself to feel your raw emotions, then you must temper them with the rational side of your brain. You're so angry you want to punch someone? Then let yourself feel that emotion, just stop short of acting on it and make those emotions available to your rational side to balance out.

Myth 3: Some emotions are bad to feel.
All emotions are informative. Just because our emotions sometimes put us in an unpleasant state does not mean they should be avoided. Our emotions can tell us when there is something in our environment that needs fixing.

Myth 4: The best judgments are ones made without emotion.

Our society has valued the rational parts of our brain to the detriment of the emotional parts. Think about how many violent acts are committed because people don't know how to effectively deal with their emotions and instead simply snap. To achieve true harmony within ourselves, both sides of the brain need to be acknowledged and attended to.

People who believe in the above emotional myths cling to those legends to justify living their lives numbly. Any expert will tell you, however, that numbing yourself to reality will only lead to exhaustion and unhappiness. Exhaustion will take hold because it takes a lot of energy to suppress your feelings. Unhappiness will set in because people who are unwilling to experience the lows of life are also cheating themselves out of experiencing the true highs.

You were born with the same gut instincts that have aided our species through years of evolutionary change and survival. Digging deep within yourself to rediscover your intuition requires that you believe that you do have an unconscious capable of acting without the aid of rational thinking.

Exploring how you feel can be scary, but it ultimately proves to be an empowering experience. After all, passionate feelings fuel your thoughts, your ambitions, your desires, and ultimately provides meaning in your life.
Try keeping this in mind the next time you're unsure about what you're feeling. Chances are the answer is right there inside you — it might just simply be a case of learning how to listen to yourself. The first step is giving credence to any thought that arises. Remember that just because you're having a thought, doesn't mean you have to act on it. Just acknowledge that it's there. You'd be surprised how such a simple act can sometimes point you in the right direction.

(source: Tickle Tests)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Relationship Myths

Many rules had been made on how to keep long lasting relationship. And one important factor of keeping a relationship is the capital "C" - Communication between partners. What's your communication style to your partner?

Sure there's tons of misinformation out there when it comes to having a healthy relationship. Here are some of the top myths and explanations to help you understand the truth when it comes to how couples should communicate:

1. Fighting is bad for a relationship and often indicates bigger, underlying problems.

False. Often, depending on a couple's relationship dynamic, important issues can surface and be resolved through periods of intense discussion or arguing.

2. Bickering poisons a relationship.

Not necessarily. Some relationships flourish even with a constant stream of bickering. What is most important to a relationship is the intention behind the communication. If a couple bickers as a way to work out minor disagreements, it can be healthy for them. However, if the bickering is intended to hurt or criticize, it will likely erode the relationship.

3. Women are more comfortable with emotional discussions than men are.

True. While it may sound sexist, research has shown that by and large, women are indeed more comfortable discussing emotions. Differences in the rearing of girls and boys appear to give women a leg up when it comes to understanding and confronting emotional issues.

4. The more often a couple has sex, the happier they will be.

False. The amount of sex a couple has doesn't matter. What matters is that both people are happy with both the quantity and quality of sex in their relationship. In addition, the way a couple handles sexual problems (if they arise) will affect how happy they will be with their sex life.

5. If you have financial problems, your relationship is much more likely to break up.

False. Relationships that are strong before the financial difficulties hit tend to remain strong under monetary strain. In fact, these couples sometimes become stronger as they join together to face their problems. On the other hand, relationships that were weak to begin with tend to be torn apart by the additional pressure that financial problems can create.

6. Happy couples do not freely express their anger.

False. Expressing anger when necessary is a sign of a healthy relationship. An unhealthy relationship will actually express contempt and negative criticism along with anger. On the other hand, a healthy relationship will acknowledge the presence of anger without assigning blame. This allows relationship issues to be heard, understood, and dealt with.

7. Compatibility is the key to a successful relationship.

True. The more compatible a couple is, especially when it comes to the way they communicate and handle difficulties, the more successful their union will be in the long term.

(source: Tickle Tests)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Art and Science of Bitchology

(I read this from Sunday Lifestyle of the Philippine Star)

When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a bitch. When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch. When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts, or do things my own way, they call me a bitch. Being a bitch means I won’t compromise what’s in my heart. It means I live my life MY way. It means I won’t allow anyone to step on me. When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it, I am defined as a bitch. The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone’s maid or when I act a little selfish. It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won’t become anyone else’s idea of what they think I “should” be. I am outspoken, opinionated and determined. I want what I want. And there is nothing wrong with that! So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, and try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me, you won’t succeed. And if that makes me a bitch, so be it! I embrace the title and am proud to bear it!